Monday, December 19, 2011

Jack Wilson - Jack Tar

A while ago current Baltimore(formerly Pittsburgh) resident Jack Wilson released Jack Tar. Not sure who produced this cd because I'm slacking on my research, but whoever it is did a great job sampling 1990's "pop" songs from artists like; Radiohead, Oasis(my favorite sample), Blur, and more. This is absolutely free because the production is absolutely illegal, so never mind those pesky "donate" buttons that guilt trip you into donating 20 cents to the artist just so you can sleep better at night. Jack has never been shy on putting out media and rarely bothers with trying to make a profit off of it. If anything he tries to break even every once in a while because that's really all an underground rapper can hope for.

Jack was one of the first and most helpful mc's I met in Pittsburgh when I was starting rapping. He put me on a handful of shows, helped me record a few tracks, and offered me insightful advice that always came from his personal experience.

A while ago I got to open for Vast Aire(of Cannibal Ox) thanks to Jack and his short lived crew Crash Course Collective, alongside EMS(now Kid A).... and I completely bombed it. Hands down my worst performance at the biggest show I've played to date. After my set when I was getting down on myself alone at the bar, Jack came over and told me that it wasn't a big deal, that all that would matter in the future was that I played with Vast Aire. He said all I could do at that point was learn from my mistakes and try not to make them again. Although playing a show that poorly may be a minor set back it's no reason to change my stage name or worse yet quit rapping. At the time I had trouble believing it, then Jack told me how a few years ago at Mr. Smalls when he opened for Atmosphere he had a similar night. Years later all that people remember(if they remember anything) was that he opened for Atmosphere. That advice may seem a bit pessimistic but none the less it was helpful at the time.

Jack Tar for free

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